First Trump-Biden Debate.

Wednesday_673x324 12WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30
PROGRAM #9023 12:00 PM PT

First Trump-Biden Debate.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden arrives to Cleveland to the first presidential debate holding a consistent lead over Trump in the national polls. Still, the Electoral College will have the final word. This program includes a report on the chaotic dynamics of the debate and features highlights selected from the exchange, including Trump’s response about why he decided to ban racial sensitivity training, his refusal to condemn white supremacist groups, his call to supporters to watch the polls, the economic downturn, the coronavirus pandemic, and the science of climate change. Prominent conservative and Democratic leaders give their contrasting views on the outcome of this debate. Listeners from California and Washington chime in on the discussion.

Guests: Daniel Garza, Executive Director, The LIBRE Initiative, Conservative Strategist, McAllen, TX; Maria Cardona, Democratic Strategist, Founder and Director, Latinovations, Washington, DC.


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