Illinois Primaries. Also, Challenge to “Winner Take All”. Also, Hurdles for the Vote of Mexicans Living Abroad.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21
PROGRAM # 8290 12:00 PM PT

Illinois Primaries.

Illinois voters went to the primary polls to choose candidates for the midterm election. The program includes a report and comments on the outcome of the races for governor and Congress, the voter turnout, and the increased number of women running for office. Also, a candidate has virtually become the first Mexican-American to represent Illinois in Congress.

Guest: (Audio segment) Jesus “Chuy” Garcia, Democratic Candidate to Congress, Chicago, IL

Challenge to “Winner Take All”. A coalition of law firms filed four lawsuits challenging the “winner-take-all” system that states use to allocate their votes for the Electoral College, alleging it denies the constitutional right to an equal vote in presidential elections. The lawsuit targets two Republican states, Texas and South Carolina, and two Democrat states, California and Massachusetts. Two of the lawsuits charge states with disenfranchising minority voters and of violating the principle “one person, one vote.”

Guest: Luis Roberto Vera, Jr, LULAC National General Counsel, Attorney and Counselor at Law, San Antonio, TX

Hurdles for the Vote of Mexicans Living Abroad. Mexicans living abroad will have their third chance to vote in Mexico’s presidential election, this coming July. And while many are following the campaigns back home and half a million have registered to vote, many complain of facing hurdles to apply for their voter ID cards or for validating their registration. A top Mexican Embassy official discusses those issues and talks about the role the Mexican consulates and electoral authorities are playing to facilitate the emigres vote.

Guest: Consul Rafael Laveaga, Mexico’s Consul in Washington, Washington, D.C.


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