Primaries in Five States; Biden Agenda for Latinos.

Wednesday_673x324(1)WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5
PROGRAM # 8966 12:00 PM PT

Primaries in Five States; Biden Agenda for Latinos.

Arizona, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri and Washington held primaries on Tuesday. Among the highlights: Missouri voters approved Medicaid expansion and House and Senate races in Washington and Arizona give clues about the upcoming battle for the White House and Congress in November. And while Trump sues Nevada over plans to expand mail-in voting, in Washington, where everyone votes by mail, the state helps voters with more options to cast their ballots. On another story, a political analyst comments on the Latino plan unveiled by Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, the push for more Latinos in the US cabinet and federal government, and the prospects for a woman of color as Biden’s vice president pick.

Guests: Vanessa Cárdenas, Democratic Strategist, Former Adviser to Biden Campaign, Washington, DC; Elvia Díaz, News Contributor, Editor for The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ; Francisco Ríos, News Director, KDNA, Granger, WA.


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