Primaries in California and New Mexico.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, JUNE 7
PROGRAM # 9646 12:00 PM PT

Primaries in California and New Mexico.

California and New Mexico are among seven states heading to the polls today. A new redistricting map has changed the boundaries of state state legislatures and US congressional districts. Is the new map impacting political power and representation? What are the races to watch? What issues are driving voters to the polls? Also, 100,000 undocumented students are graduating now from High School and they are finding now more closed doors than their peers in the past because they are not covered by DACA, they are the Post-DACA Generation. In another news, a federal court in Texas will allow two families to defend the Central American Minors program against the legal challenge filed by Texas and other Republican states against Biden in an effort to stop the effort to reunite parents with their children.

Guests: Araceli Martínez, Political Reporter, Los Angeles, CA; Karen Núñez Sifuentes, Biochemist Unable to Practice, Outreach Manager, Convivir, Denver, CO; Ary Hansen, Attorney, International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP), New York, NY.

Photo: County of San Mateo via Flickr

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