Arizona Primaries.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29
PROGRAM # 8413 12:00 PM PT

Arizona Primaries.

On the day after the Arizona primary, a well-known journalist comments on the prospects for Democrat David Garcia in his race for Arizona’s governorship, the issues that are front and center in the battle for outgoing Republican Se. Jeff Flake and the political ramifications of Gov. Ducey’s naming of the successor to the late Sen. McCain. This program also includes reports on Florida’s governor race, between a favorite of Trump and the first African-American candidate to run for that office, and the heated race for the vacant seat of Rep. Ileana Ross-Lehtinen. In the second half, the only Latino sheriff in Arizona comments on the election of David Garcia and the fall of Joe Arpaio, the negative impact of Trump’s policies along the border, and the possible influence on Arizona of new reforms in California aimed at ending money bail in the criminal justice system.

Guests: Elvia Diaz, Editor, The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ; Sheriff Tony Estrada, Santa Cruz County, Nogales, AZ.


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