Citizenship Question. Also, TRUTH Act: The Basics.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, AUGUST 6
PROGRAM # 8396 12:00 PM PT

Citizenship Question.

A federal judge allowed a lawsuit over Trump’s decision to add a question on citizenship in the census. The judge said Trump’s statements reveal an “animus towards immigrants of color.” And on the eve of the deadline for public comment period, community organizations are urging people to rush and submit comments to the Commerce Department about the citizenship question.

Guest: Alma Courverthie, Deputy Director of Immigration, Fair Immigration Reform Movement –FIRM, Washington, D.C.

TRUTH Act: The Basics. Two years ago, California became the first state in the nation to require that people in jail be advised of their Miranda rights before interrogation by immigration authorities. It also mandated public forums in any locality where police transfers people to ICE custody. Experts discuss the new rights for individuals and the obligations of local police under California’s Truth Act.

Guest: Marisela Gutierrez, Executive Director, Services Immigrant Rights and Education Network – SIREN, Oakland, CA.


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