Latino Vote Power. Latino Vote Power. Latina Vote Power.

Monday_673x324 12MONDAY, OCTOBER 26
PROGRAM #9058 12:00 PM PT

Latino Vote Power.

With 32 million strong, Latinos are for the first time the largest bloc of voters of color. They have been hit the hardest by the coronavirus pandemic and unemployment and the crisis continues decimating the wealth of Latino families. Will the pandemic boost or depress the interest of Latinos to get out to display that political power?

Guest: Dr. David Ayón, Senior Researcher, Latino Decisions, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA.

Latino Vote Power. The top common issues for all Latinos, the differences between the Latino and Latina voters, the role of the Latino vote in swing states like Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Virginia and Pennsylvania, and the huge battle for Texas, and the congressional districts that the Latino vote can flip. These topics are discussed with a national civic leader.

Guest: María Teresa Kumar, Executive Director, Voto Latino, Washington, DC.

Latina Vote Power. Progressive activists are targeting and mobilizing Latina women to help elect the first Latino state legislator in the history of North Carolina, flip a US Senate seat, and beat Donald Trump. Frontline vote promoters explain their plans.

Guests: Irene Godínez, Executive Director, Poder NC Action, Raleigh, NC; Kenly Montes, First Time Voter, Poder NC Action, Newton Grove, NC.


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