Latino Vote Power.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, APRIL 29
PROGRAM # 8595 12:00 PM PT

Latino Vote Power.

Latinos and young Millennials showed up to vote in November’s midterm election in numbers not seen in many years, especially in California, Texas, and Florida, with immigration voters leading the charge. On other news, Texas agreed to reform the way the state screens the US citizenship of voters and withdraw a controversial notice sent to local governments, ending the botched effort to purge the voter roll. On more news: although the economy is growing, surveyed voters think the share of the lion is going to the powerful and wealthy, and Latino voters want to see better jobs and better income.

Guests: Lydia Camarillo, President, Southwest Voter Registration and Education Project, San Antonio, TX; Luis Roberto Vera Jr, Litigant Attorney, Legal Counsel, LULAC, San Antonio, TX.


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