Voter Deadlines. Also, New U.S. War.


On the voter registration deadline for states like Texas, Florida and Pennsylvania, a civic leader announces last-minute efforts to energize Latino voters across the East Coast. He also comments on Florida’s voter purge moves against non-citizens as well as a state law that affects the voting rights of ex-convicts. Also commented was the impact of a recent court decision blocking sections of a voter ID law in North Carolina.

Guest: Juan Cartagena, President and General Counsel, LatinoJustice – PRLDEF, Orlando, FL,
Also, New U.S. War. The U.S. has launched airstrikes against rebels from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, signaling the beginning of a new U.S. war. President Obama explained his strategy in speeches to the nation and the U.N. Is this the start of an open-ended war? What are the alternatives? This program includes comments on the open military enlistment for young DACA beneficiaries.

Guest: Fernando Suárez del Solar, Peace Activist, Father of Soldier Killed in Iraq, Founder of Guerrero Azteca, Escondido, CA,

Photo: John Lee Ho via flickr

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