Republican Tax Plan. Also, Virginia Election Results.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8
PROGRAM # 8195 12:00 PM PST.

Republican Tax Plan.

Republican leaders introduced a tax reform bill in the House, a plan that includes massive tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy and the end of popular deductions like medical expenses and local and state taxes known as SALT. What would be the effects of the plan on the rich and the poor? What about its impact on Latino middle- and working class? And its impact on healthcare and public education?

Guests: Luz A. Arévalo, Senior Attorney, Employment Law Unit of Greater Boston, Manager, Low Income Tax Clinic, Boston, MA; Daniel Garza, President/Executive Director, The LIBRE Initiative, Mission, TX.

Virginia Election Results. In the elections in Virginia, New Jersey and other states, Democrats swept a number of offices in what is seen as a resounding repudiation to Trumpism. Two candidates made history as the first Latinas to be elected to Virginia’s legislature. Latino voter turnout was reportedly unusually high in Virginia. Maine voters voted for expanding Medicaid and Maryland voters approved a Dreamer Act. Political analysts comment on the results and long-term repercussions of Tuesday’s elections.

Guests: Juliana Cabrales, Mid-Atlantic Region Director, National Association of Latino Elected Officials-NALEO, Raleigh, NC; Vanessa Cárdenas, Director of Strategic Communications, EMILY’s List, Washington, D.C.; (Audio Segment) Rodrigo Velázquez, Dreamer and LGBT Activist, Richmond, VA.


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