East LA Walkouts: 50 Years Later. Also, Tribute to Voting Rights Champion.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, MARCH 19
PROGRAM # 8288 12:00 PM PT

East LA Walkouts: 50 Years Later.

Fifty years ago, thousands of Mexican American students walked out of class in a number of high schools in East Los Angeles protesting poor education in public schools. In the aftermath, 13 students and teachers were indicted on conspiracy charges and faced 66 years in prison. A half century later, Los Angeles commemorates this moment as a turning point in the history of empowerment for Latinos. This is a conversation with one of the indicted Eastside 13.

Guest: Moctesuma Esparza, Filmmaker, Entertainment Executive, Community Activist, Producer of Movie “Walkout”, Los Angeles, CA; Representative Jimmy Gomez, D-Los Angeles, CA.

Tribute to Voting Rights Champion. Joaquín Avila, a civil rights lawyer who won a number of landmark voting rights cases and helped transform the political landscape in the Southwest, passed away earlier this month. In his last interview on Línea Abierta in June 2013, Avila comments on the US Supreme Court decision striking down Section V, a key provision of the Voting Rights Act (“this decision gives support to the Tea Party movement, as well as the KKK”), and on his efforts to litigate against at-large districts in Texas, Arizona and California, and the need to watch voting rights in Monterey, Kings, and Yuba counties in California.

Guest: (Audio Segment) Joaquín Ávila, director, National Voting Rights Advocacy Initiative, and Professor, Seattle University School of Law, Seattle, WA.

Photo: mprnews.org

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