Infrastructure Bill: Critical Hours. Also, Latino GDP: “Breathtaking.”

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27
PROGRAM # 9423 12:00 PM PDT

Infrastructure Bill: Critical Hours.

The $3.5 trillion budget package proposed by Democrats in Congress goes through critical days of negotiations and there is talk about a much narrower deal between progressives and conservatives. The package includes social programs such as free community college, paid family and medical leave and expanded Medicare. It also includes big changes in energy, transportation and disaster preparation in what some describe as the most significant climate action ever taken by the United States. What’s left in the package so far? Will there be agreement this week, before Biden travels to climate summit?

Guests: Jose Lopez Zamorano, Reporter, Washington, DC; Vanessa Cardenas, Democratic Political Strategist, Washington, DC.

Latino GDP: “Breathtaking.”

In a new study, an eminent scholar says if US Latinos were an independent country, their GDP would be the seventh largest in the world. Latino GDP is growing way faster than non Latino GDP in the US. If Latinos were a single state, their GDP would be competing with California’s for the top spot in the nation. Why is the prevailing narrative still portraying Latinos as bad people, a public burden, lazy, newcomers?

Guest: Dr. David Hayes Bautista, Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.


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