Elections Watch.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18
PROGRAM # 8451 12:00 PM PT

Elections Watch.

This program includes highlights of the public forum held the night before with focus on issues relevant to voters in California Central Valley’s CD 22, where the battle is between Republican Devin Nunes and Democrat Andrew Janz. Listeners comment on this and other House races, as well as major issues headlining these midterm elections, the first under President Trump. Among the topics listeners chose to discuss are questions on the ballot, the challenge of the low Latino voter participation, the pressing issues of discrimination and restrictions against immigrants, and more.

Guests: (Audio Segments) Andrew Janz, Democratic Candidate to US House; Maura Fabian, Farm Worker; Reyes Ubiedo, College Student, Dreamer; Listeners Jose from Fresno, Rogelio from Tulare, Jose from Fresno, Leo from Visalia, Miguel from Fresno, Gerardo from Santa Rosa.

Photo: Lucia Orozco

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