Midterm Election Watch.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15
PROGRAM # 8403 12:00 PM PT

Midterm Election Watch.

An initiative in November’s Florida ballot seeks to restore the right to vote to 1.5 million of formerly incarcerated people. And Latino groups are reaching out to Puerto Ricans living in continental US after reports that a majority of the hurricane-displaced Puerto Ricans who moved to the mainland have not registered to vote. And in Missouri, voters defeated anti-union, “right-to-work” law in a major victory for organized labor. Analysts comment on these election-season developments. Listeners call in to comment on the battle for Congress that’s being waged in some districts in the San Joaquin Valley, and provide a list of critical issues for the region, including the lack of drinking water, migrant family separation and ICE raids, the border wall, discrimination, and the lack of political representation.

Guests: Juan Cartagena, President and General Counsel, LatinoJustice – PRLDEF, New York, NY.

Photo: vera.org

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