Elections Watch.

Foto: Sen. Leticia Vandeputte

Foto: Sen. Leticia Vandeputte

San Antonio’s state senator Leticia Van de Putte is running a strong campaign to become lieutenant governor, the second-highest office in Texas, a state with new voter ID laws and a struggling Latino voter turnout. A high ranking Republican comments about the heated political dispute for the House and the Senate in November. These and other news are analyzed in this edition of the series Hacia el Voto 2014.

Guests: Lydia Camarillo, Vice President, Southwest Voter Education and Registration Project, San Antonio, TX, www.svrep.org ; Héctor Barreto Jr., Chairman, The Latino Coalition, Former Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration, Washington, DC, http://www.thelatinocoalition.com

Photo: Sen. Leticia Vandeputte

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