“Watching the Watchmen.” Also, Remembering a Movement Pioneer.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JUNE 19
PROGRAM # 8091 12:00 PM PST.

“Watching the Watchmen.”

The story of two US citizens who were detained and tortured in Argentina during the years of repression known as the “Dirty War” in the 1970s is captured in the documentary “Watching the Watchmen.” The film, which also examines the role of the US in the atrocities committed by the military dictatorship, is screened this week in San Francisco.

Guests: Olga Talamante, Executive Director, Chicana/Latina Foundation, Survivor of Detention and Torture by the Argentinian Military, San Francisco, CA; Malena Juanatey, Director, Watching the Watchmen, San Francisco, CA/Buenos Aires, Arg.

Remembering a Movement Pioneer. Rev. Eliezer Risco, described as “a founder of the Chicano movement and Chicano journalism in Los Angeles,” passed away last week in Fresno, CA. Former collaborators of Cuba-born Risco share memories of Risco as the editor of the iconic newspaper La Raza, his detention as part of the East LA Thirteen, his spearheading of La Raza studies program and later a Chicano university project in Fresno, and his many years as a champion of community health.

Guests: Dr. Raul Ruiz, Emeritus Professor of Chicano Studies, CSU Northridge, Former Editor and Photographer, La Raza Newspaper, Los Angeles, CA; Arcadio Viveros, Former Mayor of Parlier, Former Executive Director, United Health Centers of the San Joaquin Valley, Watsonville, CA.

Photo: brava.org

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