Guatemala’s New President and US Talks. Also, Health Care for the Undocumented.


PROGRAM # 7705 12:00 PM PT

Guatemala’s New President and US Talks.

A conversation with Rep. Norma Torres, a native of Guatemala who joined a high-ranking US delegation in the inauguration of Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales, a comedian who campaigned as a reformer. Torres discusses the current wave of deportations of Central American families, and US aid to the region. Rampant corruption and crime, and widespread human rights abuses in the area are also discussed.

Guest: Rep. Norma Torres, Democrat, District 35, Los Angeles, CA
Health Care for the Undocumented. Undocumented residents in Sacramento County are now able to get basic health care through a public program called Health Partners. Sacramento may be the first of a handful of counties in California that are restoring health coverage for undocumented residents. Also, as the open enrollment period ends this week, thousands of community workers reach out to consumers to help them sign up. Experts comment on these developments.

Guests: Sinsi Hernández-Cancio, directora de equidad de salud, Families USA, Washington, D.C.,; Angela Velasquez, administradora, Sacramento ACT (Area Congregations Together), Sacramento, CA.

Photo: Jimmy Morales/Facebook

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