The Push to Vote.

Friday_673x324 11FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16
PROGRAM #9045 11:00 AM PT

The Push to Vote.

Community efforts to get the millions of newly-naturalized to vote, especially in Colorado and other battleground states; and campaigns in California to encourage young voters who cast a ballot for the first time, many of whom are the children of immigrant, who are considered essential workers during the pandemic emergency; and the latest news about the Early Vote, are topics in this program. Also, musicians and organizers of the virtual concert 50/50 All Souls to the Polls, 50 artists from 50 states, talk about how they are promoting through music a massive tsunami to the voting polls.

Guests: Medea Benjamin, Political Activist, Cofounder, CODEPINK, San Francisco, CA; Gary Nuñez, director, Plena Libre; Puerto Rico; Diego Iñiguez-López, Policy and Campaigns Manager, National Partnership for New Americans, Washington, DC; Jasmine Leiva, Senior Organizer, 99Rootz – Power California, Fresno, CA.


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