Election Day Reporting. Hour 1.

tuesday4_673x324On this day, US voters head to the polls to choose 36 governors, 468 members of congress, more than 6,000 state legislators, and a number of local candidates and initiatives. Analysts report and comment on voter turnout in states to watch, including Colorado, Texas, Florida, Arizona, and California. It also includes a look into states with Election Day voter registration laws. This is a two-hour special program.

Guests: Antonio González, Executive Director, Southwest Voter Registration Education Project, Los Ángeles, CA, http://svrep.org ; Héctor Sánchez, Executive Director the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA), Chair of the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA), Washington, DC, www.lclaa.org ; Vanessa Cárdenas, Vice President of Progress 2050 for Center for American Progress, Washington, DC, http://www.americanprogress.org ; Congressman Xavier Becerra, California 34th District, Los Angeles, CA, http://becerra.house.gov

Photo: LA County Registrar/Facebook

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