Supreme Court Nominee.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9
PROGRAM # 7994 12:00 PM PT

Supreme Court Nominee.

Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court. Gorsuch is a conservative federal judge from Denver. Where does he stand on labor issues, women’s rights and civil rights? How will he shape the court? Will all Democrats resist the nomination? Will Republicans use the nuclear option? Guest analysts also comment on the swearing in of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General and Trump’s attacks against federal judges.

Guests: Pedro Torres Diaz, President, Hispanic National Bar Association, Miami, FL; Dr. Lisa García Bedolla, Chancellor’s Professor, Graduate School of Education, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA; Cruz Reynoso, Former Associate Justice of the California Supreme Court, Professor of Law Emeritus, UC Davis School of Law, Davis, CA


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