Puerto Rico Nationalist Freed.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, MAY 29
PROGRAM # 8076 12:00 PM PST.

Puerto Rico Nationalist Freed.

Puerto Rico nationalist Oscar López Rivera was released from house arrest after President Obama commuted his sentence four months ago. The legendary activist spent 36 years in a US prison convicted of seditious conspiracy and other charges related to clandestine activities to win independence for his homeland. His designation to lead New York’s Puerto Rican Day Parade, honored as National Freedom Hero, is being opposed by corporate sponsors of the parade. López Rivera, who speaks this week in Berkeley, CA, talks about his release, his rejection of clemency years ago, the referendum on Puerto Rico’s status, Puerto Rico’s debt, and the controversy around his leading role as a hero in New York’s parade.

Guest: Oscar López Rivera, Puerto Rico Nationalist, Former Political Prisoner, San Juan, PR; Gloria Alonzo, Member, Committee to Free Puerto Political Prisoners from Puerto Rico, San Francisco, CA

Photo: peoplesworld.org

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