Fine for Anti-Gay Slur. Also, The New President and the Migrants.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JULY 5
PROGRAM # 8374 12:00 PM PT

Fine for Anti-Gay Slur.

During the current World Cup, Mexico’s soccer team was fined after fans used offensive, anti-gay chants in the game with Germany. FIFA found the chant to be homophobic. A scholar who is a researcher and fan of the soccer sport and tradition discusses the disciplinary action and the cultural connotation of the sanctioned slang term.

Guest: Romeo Guzman, Assistant Professor, History Department, College of Social Sciences, California State University- Fresno, Fresno, CA

The New President and the Migrants. In his victory speech, Mexico’s virtual president Andrés Manuel López Obrador promised to prioritize investments and development projects in impoverished communities; he said that now if Mexicans want to migrate North it should be done by choice, not by necessity; he said he will work to defend migrants and, hours later, he had a phone conversation with Donald Trump on migration and security. A leader of migrants and pioneer of binational community-investment projects comments on these and other topics.

Guest: Lupe Gomez, Co-founder and Director, Frente Cívico Zacatecano, Migrant Congressional Candidate for Movimiento Ciudadano Party, Los Angeles, CA.


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