Reaching the Latino Vote.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, MAY 3
PROGRAM # 8321 12:00 PM PT

Reaching the Latino Vote.

A number of Latino organizers are descending on Atlanta on May 5th in what they call the largest voter operation to reach out to Latinos in the history of Georgia. According to organizers, the conditions are ripe for Latinos to be a factor in the outcome of state elections, where a pro-immigrant rights candidate who could become the first Black woman governor in the US. Also, a political analyst discusses the potential to elect a Latina candidate in a county that will premiere a new political map and the woes for an entrenched and influential Republican congressmember in the valley, who is now facing some headwinds heading towards his reelection. Also, an advocate talks about how local citizens were able to stop a vote against California’s sanctuary law in Porterville, a Latino-majority town with a Latino-minority government.

Guests: Tania Unzueta, Policy and Legal Director, Mijente, Chicago, IL; Leticia Lopez, Fellow, Pan-Valley Institute of the American Friends Service Committee, Porterville, CA; Dr. Gonzalo Santos, Associate Professor Emeritus of Sociology, CSU-Bakersfield, Bakersfield, CA


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