Minneapolis in Turmoil Again.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, APRIL 19
PROGRAM # 9231 12:00 PM PDT

Minneapolis in Turmoil Again.

As the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis cop charged with murdering George Floyd comes to a close, massive protests erupt in the city over the death of another Black man at the hands of police. Analysts comment about the momentous Chauvin trial, the salient moments of the trial, the new public demonstrations, and the tense relations between the police and communities of color. They also comment about the recent death by a cop of 13-year-old Adam Toledo in Chicago, the pain and rage this incident is causing in the barrio, the many police reform laws passed in 30 states and the calls for deeper police reforms.

Guests: Julio Zelaya, Greater Minnesota Racial Justice Project Coordinator, ACLU-Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; Rodolfo Gutiérrez, Executive Director, HACER, St, Paul, MN; Amalia Brindis Delgado, Human Rights Lawyer, Associate Vice President of Strategy, Hispanics in Philanthropy, Oakland, CA; Professor Roberto Rodriguez, University of Arizona-Tucson, Autho of the Book “Justice: A Question of Race,” Mexico City.

Photo: fightbacknews.org

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