Most Latinos Want to be Counted. Also, States Resist “Complete Count” Panels.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11
PROGRAM # 8757 12:00 PM PT

Most Latinos Want to be Counted.

Spanish-speaking Latinos are among the most willing to participate in the 2020 Census count. Still, many worry about how the data will be used and if it will be secure. And while a large majority trusts the Census Office, many distrust the federal government and are worried it will use their personal information for adverse purposes. Officials of California’s Complete Count division address those concerns and talk about their collaboration with non-profit groups to reach out to hard-to-count communities.

Guests: Emilio Vaca, Regional Program Manager, California Complete Count-Census 2020, Sacramento, CA; Martha E. Dominguez, Deputy Director, External Affairs and Media Relations, California Complete Count-Census 2020, Sacramento, CA

States Resist “Complete Count” Panels. Some states are resisting creating “complete count” committees, the state panels that coordinate campaigns geared to encourage people to fill out the census questionnaires. They include Texas and Florida, populous states that stand to gain the most from the census. Efforts to create a complete count committee or fund community outreach have failed in the state legislature. In the absence of support from Austin, local governments in the Rio Grande Valley and elsewhere are stepping in to fill the void. An analyst comments on what’s at stake as Texas is still thinking about the count.

Guest: Dr. Lila Valencia, Senior Demographer, Texas Demographer Center, Austin, TX.


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