San Bernardino Massacre.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8.
PROGRAM # 7669 12:00 PM PT

San Bernardino Massacre.

Fourteen people were killed and 22 injured in San Bernardino in one of the worst deadly mass shootings of recent years. President Obama addressed the nation on the threat of terrorism and called for tighter gun control laws. Republican leaders placed their political focus on confronting the threat of radical Islamic terrorism and their leading presidential candidate called for a shutdown of Muslims entering the US. What are the lessons of this new massacre? Analysts give their views on the reignited political debate, explore its impact on Muslim communities, and report on help being sought for survivors of the massacre.

Guests: Dr. Hafeez Rehman, Spokesperson, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Amsterdam, NY; Maribel Hastings, Columnist and Senior Advisor, America’s Voice, Washington, D.C.; Gilda Valdez, President, Fast Food Workers, Los Angeles Organizing Committee, Chief of Staff, SEIU721, Los Angeles, CA; (recorded segments of speeches) President Obama, White House; Donald Trump, Republican Presidential Candidate.


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