“March For Our Lives.” Also, Olvera Street.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, MARCH 26
PROGRAM # 8293 12:00 PM PT

“March For Our Lives.”

Led by teen survivors of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, thousands march in front of Capitol Hill and the White House demanding action to end gun violence and mass shootings in schools. Hundreds of “sibling marches” are scheduled around the country and the world to coincide with the “March For Our Lives” in Washington.

Olvera Street. A new episode of the series Artbound on Los Angeles’ public TV focuses on the stereotypes and the history behind Olvera Street, the birthplace of Los Angeles. Through a Variedades performance approach, “Olvera Street” explores the 200-year struggle for control of the city. This is a conversation with the host of the program.

Guest: Rubén Martínez, Emmy Award-Winning Journalist, Author and Musician, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: March for our Lives/Facebook

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