Uvalde Mothers Speak Up. March from Delano to Sacramento. Kansas Vote on Abortion.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10
PROGRAM # 9710 12:00 PM PT

Uvalde Mothers Speak Up.

After families from Uvalde protested, members of the powerful NRA in Texas canceled plans to raffle an AR-15 rifle, the type of weapon that a shooter used to massacre children at a local elementary school. An activist mother from Uvalde talks about this development, about local threats against one of the mothers, and about their efforts to have a say on gun laws.

Guest: Angela Villescaz, Founder, Fierce Madres, Austin, TX.

March from Delano to Sacramento. Farm workers are entering today their third County in a 24-day march to the state capitol in Sacramento to push for a bill that would give farmworkers the choice of voting by mail in union elections. This is a report on the reception they’ve had in the eight cities and towns they have visited so far and the ears they are getting for their petitions to the governor.

Guests: Teresa Romero, National President, UFW, Dinuba, CA; Antonio Cortés, UFW Organizer, Marcher from Delano to Sacramento, Dinuba, CA.

Kansas Vote on Abortion. In Kansas, citizens voted overwhelmingly to protect abortion rights as part of the state’s constitution. What does this vote in a red state mean? What’s the possible impact of the Supreme Court decision on abortion on the November elections?

Guests: Kansas State Rep. Susan Ruiz, Shawnee, KS; Alejandra Soto, National Director of Latino Communications, Planned Parenthood, New York, NY.

Photo: radiobilingue.org

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