Fight for Fair Maps. Also, Latinos and Next Elections.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29
PROGRAM # 9395 12:00 PM PDT

Fight for Fair Maps.

The new redistricting cycle is under way. Texas and other states begin this week to redraw congressional lines. In Texas, the state legislature released its first redistricting map and even though Latinos and Blacks drove the population growth for tha last decade and made Texas win two seats in Congress, they lost a Latino-majority and a Black-majority district each in the new map. A voting rights advocate warns if the maps are not corrected, they will end up in court.

Guest: Lydia Camarillo, President, Southwest Voter Registration Education Project and William C. Velasquez Institute, Los Angeles, CA

Latinos and Next Elections.

Republican-led review of Arizona ballots confirms Biden win and gives a blow to the false rumor of a stolen election. Still, Republicans continue attacking and challenging the election. A veteran leaders comments on this development and on the censoring of US Se. Sinema by state Democrats over her refusal to carry the Democratic agenda in Congress. Meanwhile, in California, Latino voters emerged as key players in the recent recall election. Is this a harbinger for the 2022 midterms? A political columnist talks about the successful model to turn out the vote by community groups, the political change in conservative bastions, and the new state law that makes universal vote by mail permanent in California.

Guest: Jean Guerrero, Columnist, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, CA; Alfredo Gutierrez, Former Arizona State Senate Majority Leader, Author, Phoenix, AZ.


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