Latino Voters and the Midterm Election. Also, One Year After S. 744.


Almost four months before Election Day, this program begins a series exploring the impact of Latino voters. Analysts also discuss the impact of the Voting Rights Amendment Act bill to restore protections for Latino voters and the loss of voting protections under a U.S. Supreme Court decision nearly a year ago.

Guests: Myrna Pérez, Deputy Director, Brennan Center for Justice’s Democracy Project, New York University School of Law, New York, NY, ; Ruben Hinojosa, Congressman (D-TX), President of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Washington, DC, ,

Also, One Year After S. 744. A year ago, the U.S. senate passed the bipartisan immigration reform bill S. 744, which included a legalization program and massive reinforcement of security at the border. Since then, efforts to pass a similar bill through the House have been unsuccessful. A senator from a border state reflects on the prospects for reform.

Guest: U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM), Washington, DC,

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