The Dangers of Facial Recognition Technology.

Wednesday_673x324THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28
PROGRAM # 8553 12:00 PM PT

The Dangers of Facial Recognition Technology.

President Trump did not get a border wall but he got something that according to analysts could be worse for human rights: a “smart wall.” The increased spending in surveillance technologies such as drones and voice and facial recognition technology may be more dangerous for migrants and people of color. While some high tech companies are looking forward to this windfall by marketing face surveillance platforms to ICE, other leaders of the industry are calling for laws to regulate this technology and bans are being proposed in San Francisco and at least two states. This program is produced in collaboration with The Justice Collaborative.

Guests: Debbie Nathan, Immigration Reporter, The Appeal, El Paso, TX; Rebecca Saldaña, Washington State Senator, D-Seattle, WA; Juan Preito, Communications Strategist, California Immigration Youth Justice Alliance, Oakland, CA.


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