Latinos and Mass Incarceration.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, MAY 25
PROGRAM # 8074 12:00 PM PT

Latinos and Mass Incarceration.

The war on drugs and “tough-on-crime” policies have led to a national crisis of detention and incarceration around the country. The US has the largest prison population in the world. And Latinos, African Americans and the poor are the hardest hit. What’s the toll of mass incarceration in Latino families and neighborhoods? What are the states and the federal government doing to reduce mass incarceration? Analysts also discuss proposed reforms to policies that criminalize entire communities.

Guests: Juan Cartagena, President and General Counsel, Latino Justice PRLDEF, New York, NY; Jacinta González, Field Director, Mijente, Phoenix, AZ; Eunisses Hernández, Policy Coordinator, Drug Policy Alliance, Los Angeles, CA.


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