Latinos Went Big Against Recall. Also, Redistricting: Shortchanging Latinos?

Wednesday_673x324 (1)WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10
PROGRAM #9437 12:00 PM PDT

Latinos Went Big Against Recall. Contrary to the prevailing narrative in the weeks leading to the recall election in California, Latinos voted big against the recall and were a decisive vote to retain Gov. Newsom in his position. These are the findings from a policy research institution in California. Why did pollsters get it wrong? What was the impact of Latino vote in pro-recall areas? What’s the takeaway towards the 2022 midterms?

Guest: Misael Galdámez, Researcher on Social Mobility, Latino Policy and Politics Initiative – UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.

Redistricting: Shortchanging Latinos?Fresno County in Central California has 54 percent Latino population and growing and only one of the five members of its legislative body is Latino. Despite this, the conservative-majority county board of supervisors is reportedly favoring a new political map that protects the status quo. How are civil rights leaders reacting to the redistricting plan? In contrast, in neighboring Madera county, the governing board is considering a plan that creates three Latino-majority districts, which is in par with the proportion of the population. In another topic, a political analyst looks into the fight against gerrymandering in Texas, where additional districts with white majorities were created, despite people of color being the engine of almost all the population growth.

Guests: Juan Arambula, Former State Assemblyman and Member of the County Board of Supervisors, Fresno, CA; Santos Garcia, Mayor of Madera, Madera, CA; Lydia Camarillo, President, Southwest Voter Registration Education Project and William C. Velasquez Institute, San Antonio, TX.


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