Restricting Police Firearms Use.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, APRIL 9
PROGRAM # 8303 12:00 PM PT

Restricting Police Firearms Use.

After the public uproar sparked by the fatal shooting of a young unarmed black man in Sacramento by police officers, state lawmakers and the family of the victim are proposing that California becomes the first state to restrict officers firearms use, and other measures to deal with officers shootings. Police may open fire “only when necessary,” instead of “when reasonable,” in order to end the practice of “shoot first and ask questions later.” Another bill seeks to open to the public internal investigations of police-involved shootings. Also, California legislators announced new bills to reform juvenile and adult criminal sentencing, under which many youth will be tried as juveniles, not adults, among other measures. Guests also comment on the donation the Sacramento DA received from police unions days after Clark’s shooting and the importance of the DA and Sheriff races for criminal justice reform.

Guests: Sen. Ricardo Lara, Democrat, Bell Gardens, Los Angeles, CA; Rosa Cabrera, Associate Director, Policy Link, Oakland, CA; Patricia Guerra, Director, Community Coalition, Los Angeles, CA.


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