Latinos and Criminal Justice Reform.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25
PROGRAM # 8185 12:00 PM PST.

Latinos and Criminal Justice Reform.

Responding to law enforcement leaders who seek reforms to the criminal justice system, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said “we don’t have a sentencing problem, we have a crime problem,” and call for a renewed crackdown on crime. A Latino civil rights leader comments on the “tough on crime” approach of the Trump administration, and sentencing and bail bond reform bills being debated in Congress, in some states, and some cities. He also talks about a new initiative among national Latino leaders who are coming together in a collaborative and this week they open a “center for analysis and mobilization” around criminal justice, policing, and drug policy reform. In addition, an analyst talks about a special forum in the US Capitol to hear about the dangers faced by immigrant women in detention, some times pregnant and for long periods of time.

Guests: Juan Cartagena, Executive Director, President and General Counsel, LatinoJustice – PRLDEF, New York, NY; Rosie Hidalgo, JD, Senior Director of Public Policy, Casa de Esperanza: National Latin@ Network, Washington, D.C.


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