Latinos in Congress.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13
PROGRAM # 8498 12:00 PM PT

Latinos in Congress.

Overcoming serious obstacles, Latinos increased their numbers in the US Congress to more than forty after the midterm election. This was due in part thanks to the large and unusual voter turnout in areas of high Latino population. Opinion polls show that most Latinos went out to vote in an effort to express rejection to Trumpism. Listeners give their opinion on the election results and their expectations about stopping the abusive and hateful rhetoric against Latinos. A political analyst comments on how those campaigns that targeted immigrants backfired, the first signs about the impact of the Latino vote, and the steps that at least a Latino leader is giving towards a presidential run.

Guests: Francisco Pedraza, Political Scientist, University of California Riverside, Riverside, CA; Listeners Rodolfo from Oakdale, Alonso from Modesto, Luis from Modesto and Cruz from Waterford, CA.


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