Latino Elected Top Mortgage Banker. Also, A Push to Open the Mortgage Market.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JANUARY 5
PROGRAM # 7969 12:00 PM PT

Latino Elected Top Mortgage Banker.

A conversation with the home loan banker who made history as the first Latino to be elected national president of the Mortgage Bankers Association in the 100-year history of this institution of the real estate finance industry. He discusses the fast rise of Latinos as homebuyers, the “perfect storm” of obstacles faced by Latinos to buy a home and his plans to help them access affordable home loans.

Guest: Rodrigo López, National President, Mortgage Bankers Association, Omaha, NE.

A Push to Open the Mortgage Market. While the housing market is expanding and fair lending laws are being enacted, Latinos and African-American consumers are still finding it tougher to get affordable home loans. A consumer advocate discusses redlining, the new federal agency that protects consumers of financial services, and the outlook for Latino homebuyers in the year to come.

Guest: Graciela Aponte Díaz, Director of California Policy, Center for Responsible Lending, Oakland, CA.

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