Latinas on the Rise.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23.
PROGRAM # 7658 12:00 PM PT

Latinas on the Rise.

Yakima elected for the first time in history Latina city councilmembers after the old at-large election system was abolished and citizens voted in districts for the first time. Three Latinas were elected, bringing with them the promise of major changes to this conservative area. In Chelsea, a young Latina millennial swept into office with 60% of the votes, in an election marked by a higher than usual voter turnout. Latinos took six of 11 seats in Chelsea’s city council. The newly-elected leaders discuss the meaning of their victories.

Guests: Dulce Gutiérrez, Elected Councilmember, District 1, Yakima, WA; Carmen Méndez, Elected Councilmember, District 3, Yakima, WA; Judith García, Elected Councilmember, District 5, Chelsea, MA.

Photo: Elect Judith García/Elect Carmen Méndez/Dulce Gutierrez Blog

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One Response to Latinas on the Rise.

  1. Luis Octavio Parada Gonzalez said: Linea Abierta es un esfuerzo muy importante para mantener una comunicacion viva y permanente entre los mexicanos que nos encontramos aqui y los que se encuentran fuera del pais, cuya influencia latina nos hermana tambien con mayor fuerza y vibra junto con nuestros demas hermanos que viven y han emigrado a norteamerica.

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