The Midterms: Oregon. Also, The Midterms: Arizona.

Monday_673x324 11amMONDAY, OCTOBER 24
PROGRAM # 9793 11:00 AM PT

The Midterms: Oregon.

Three women are running for governor in Oregon, in one of the tightest races in the country. With help from a billionaire donor, a conservative Republican has a chance to become governor in one of the most progressive states. A political analyst looks into this unlikely race and the race for Oregon’s newest House district, where a Democrat is hoping to become Oregon’s first Latina elected to Congress.

Guest: Arturo Sarmiento, Station Manager, KTUP – Radio Poder, Salem, OR.

The Midterms: Arizona. Arizona is seen as a critical state in the battle for Congress. Mark Kelly’s seat in the US Senate is a key race, as well as the race for governor, which is in a dead heat. What are the issues driving the political debate? What role is expected to play the Latino vote?


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