“The Sentence.” Also, Policing Reform.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, DECEMBER 3
PROGRAM # 8490 12:00 PM PT

“The Sentence.”

HBO’s new film The Sentence tells the story of Cindy, a mom sentenced to fifteen years in federal prison for drug crimes committed by her deceased former boyfriend. The documentary sheds light on the devastating effects on the family of incarceration, mandatory minimum laws, and the drug war. The story is told by Cindy’s brother, Rudy Valdez, a filmmaker, who followed her and her children for ten years, and now is a prominent voice in the movement for sentence reform.

Guest: Rudy Valdez, Writer and Director, The Sentence, Los Angeles, CA.

Policing Reform. The US Commission on Civil Rights released a report on police use of force, where it calls for reforms to improve police-community relations. A civil-rights advocate comments on these recommendations. She also comments on a memo signed by Attorney General Jeff Sessions limiting the use of consent decrees, and the voter-approved laws in Florida and Washington, to restore voting rights to former prisoners and mandate police training on de-escalation of use of force, respectively.

Guest: Lynda García, Policing Campaign Director, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Washington, DC.

Photo: thesentencedoc.com

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