LA Riots: Police Reform.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, APRIL 27
PROGRAM # 8051 12:00 PM PT

LA Riots: Police Reform.

Devastating violence erupted throughout South LA following the acquittal of four officers videotaped in the brutal beating of African American motorist Rodney King. In the aftermath, a number of recommendations and promises were offered to reform the local police department. 25 years later, has the police force really changed? How do local cops deal nowadays with officer use of force and officer-involved shootings? How is Los Angeles responding now to racial tensions and bitterness?

Guests: Samuel Paz, Civil and Human Rights Attorney, Vice Chair, National Police Accountability Project, National Lawyers Guild, Los Angeles, CA; Dr. Roberto Rodriguez, Associate Professor, University of Arizona, Tucson, Author of the Book “Justice: A Question of Race,” Tucson, AZ


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