LA Riots: The Lessons.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, MAY 4
PROGRAM # 8059 12:00 PM PT

LA Riots: The Lessons.

25 years after Los Angeles faced an eruption of deadly violence in African American and Latino neighborhoods, what has been done to address poverty, police-community relations and racial tensions? What has changed and what remains to be done? What can other cities learn from this traumatic experience in Los Angeles? This is a repeat of the first hour of a panel co-produced by Radio Bilingüe and aired from the studios of KPFK, Pacifica Radio, in Los Angeles on the day of the anniversary.

Guests: Manuel Criollo, Director of Organizing, Labor/Community Strategy Center, Los Angeles, CA; Yongho Kim, Korean Resource Center; Scarlett de León, Representative, Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance; Jorge González, Civil Rights Attorney, National Lawyers Guild/Mexican American Political Association; Reina Villatoro, Community Worker, Community Coalition; Abraham Torres, Photographer and Eyewitness; Alex Sánchez, Executive Director, Homies Unidos, Los Angeles, CA.


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