The Census Citizenship Question.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4
PROGRAM # 8300 12:00 PM PT

The Census Citizenship Question.

The Trump administration has ordered to add a controversial question to the 2020 Census, asking people if they are citizens. Civil rights leaders denounced the decision as a political move, intended to scare Latinos, immigrants and others and to discourage them from filling out the census forms. They say this will lead to an inaccurate count and to catastrophic consequences for Latinos and others. California, New York and other 17 impacted states and cities are challenging the plan in the courts. Democratic senators and members of Congress are calling for hearings on Capitol Hill. Civil rights leaders discuss the potential consequences of this action and their plans.

Guests: Arturo Vargas, Executive Director, National Association of Latino Elected and Designated Officials – NALEO, Los Angeles, CA; Tanya Pellegrini, Staff Attorney, MALDEF, Sacramento, CA.


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