The Ukraine-Russia War. Also, Labor Union’s New Leadership.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16
PROGRAM # 9563 12:00 PM PT

The Ukraine-Russia War.

Ukraine’s President Zelensky gave a virtual speech before the US Congress asking for more military aid. President Biden followed with an nnouncement, pledging 800 million in new military aid for Ukraine. Guest analysts comment on Zelensky’s address to Congress, the humanitarian crisis, the prospects for the diplomatic talks, the danger of a nuclear war, the economic fall out of the sanctions, the disinformation campaigns, and more.

Guests: Dr. Miguel Tinker Salas, Professor, History, Pomona College, Los Angeles, CA; Medea Benjamin, Director, Codepink, Washington, DC.

Labor Union’s New Leadership. A conversation with David Huerta, the newly-elected president of the Service Employees International Union in California. Huerta, who had a key role in the historic Justice for Janitors campaign in 1990, was recognized by President Obama as a Champion of Change for turning low-wage immigrant workers into advocates for change. In this conversation, he reflects on the decades-long fight against wage theft and a higher minimum wage, the “Great Resignation” impact on union organizing work, the efforts to get Covid protections for essential workers, immigration reform for the undocumented, and the Build Back Better package stuck in Congress.

Guest: David Huerta, President, SEIU California, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: Egor Lyfar via Unsplash

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