The Battle for District 21: Final Days.

Thursday 1_673x324THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27
PROGRAM # 7912 10:00 AM PT

The Battle for District 21: Final Days.

Congressional district 21, in California’s Central Valley, has a Latino supermajority and a Democratic majority, and still, it’s run by a non Latino Republican. This season, incumbent David Valadao is facing a tougher challenge. Attorney Emilio Huerta has mounted a major grassroots campaign. In this interview, Huerta talks about immigration, the water crisis, jobs, and air pollution. Rep. Valadao declined to join the conversation.

Guest: Emilio Huerta, Democratic Candidate, California Congressional District 21, Bakersfield, CA

Photo: Emilio J. Huerta/Facebook / David Valadao/Facebook

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