Janz vs. Nunes.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, AUGUST 30
PROGRAM # 8414 12:00 PM PT

Janz vs. Nunes.

Congressional District 22 in California is considered one of the biggest US House seats in the battle for Congress. Formerly a safe Republican seat, this time embattled incumbent Devin Nunes, is in a dead heat with Democratic challenger Andrew Janz. This program includes excerpts in Spanish of a live-recorded conversation with Janz, who answers questions from residents on the health crisis among young people of color, the fears of DACA recipients and millions of immigrants, communities that suffer from some of the worse cases of water and air contamination and pesticide poisonings, and the corruptive influence of money in politics.

Guests: Andrew Janz, Prosecutor and Candidate to US House of Representatives, Fresno, CA.

Photo: María de Jesús Gómez

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