Trump’s Shutdown and Criminal Investigations. Also, Recovery Efforts in Houston and Mexico.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23
PROGRAM # 8527 12:00 PM PT

Trump’s Shutdown and Criminal Investigations.

A veteran journalist gives a rundown on the latest news in Washington, including the government shutdown and the votes in the Senate to reopen it, the spat on the State of the Union address, Trump’s threats to use his executive powers to declare an emergency and build the wall, and the start of the investigations by the US House on charges of obstruction of justice against Trump, beginning with the plan to get Michael Cohen, former Trump’s attorney, to testify.

Guest: José López Zamorano, Correspondent, Washington, DC.

Recovery Efforts in Houston and Mexico. A Radio Bilingüe reporter was recognized for her journalistic work for her coverage exposing the critical lack of emergency aid for Latino families who were victims of hurricane Harvey in Houston. In this edition, she comments on the slow recovery for those immigrants, deprived of official help, as the Trump administration considers using disaster funds for the border wall. And the leader of an indigenous radio station in Southern Mexico, Línea Abierta’s latest affiliate station, comments on pressing issues impacting communities in Mexico’s Deep South. He also comments on the Oscar nomination for Best Actress to the star of the movie Roma, who is a Mixtec indigenous woman from this area.

Guests: Mariana Pineda, Correspondent, Winner of Golden Mike Award, Houston, TX; Melchor García, Station Manager, XETLA – La Voz de la Mixteca, Tlaxiaco, MX.


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