Infrastructure: Critical Hours. Also, Filibuster and Voting Rights.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, AUGUST 9
PROGRAM # 9342 12:00 PM PDT

Infrastructure: Critical Hours.

Republicans and Democrats are rushing a Senate vote to pass the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill,  after days of intense work on the package, which would allocate $550 billion in new money to rebuild roads, bridges and rail systems and fund new climate resiliency and broadband access initiatives. Democratic leaders are pushing ahead on a two-track strategy, seeking to pass the bipartisan bill and then move to adopt the Democrats’ budget resolution, to then vote on a bigger and historic infrastructure package later. The House leader warned they will only vote when the two plans are ready and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus warned against amendments that dilute the immigration reform provision. The Senate continues in session until they pass both. This is a report and analysis on the two plans and the prospects for a speedy passage.

Guests: Jose Lopez Zamorano, Reporter, Washington, DC; Laura Rodriguez, Vice President, Government Affiars, Center for American Progress, Washington, DC.

Filibuster and Voting Rights. State legislators and activists from across the country gathered at the nation’s capital, staged marches and some were arrested for shutting  down the airport, while calling for an end to the filibuster and passage of voting rights legislation before the U.S Senate leaves for recess. These actions against voter suppression coincide with the fifty-sixth anniversary of the signing of the historic Voting Rights Act. On another story, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ordered the legislature to reconvene to try to pass a Republican voting restrictions bill, as Democratic lawmakers who fled to Washington said they will not return to session. A state lawmaker comments on the showdown in Washington on voting rights and hails the imminent passage of the infrastructure bill.

Guest: State Rep. Cesar Chavez, Arizona State Representative, Vice President for Membership, National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators, Phoenix, AZ


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