Firestorms, Quakes and Preparedness. Also, Puerto Rico Hurricane Crisis.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11
PROGRAM # 8175 12:00 PM PST.

Firestorms, Quakes and Preparedness.

California is being hit by some of the worst firestorms in the state history. In Sonoma and Napa, 21 have died, hundreds are in the hospital, thousands of homes are destroyed, and tens of thousands have been evacuated. Analysts also comment on the lack of Spanish-language emergency information, the reluctance of immigrant evacuees to visit centers of evacuation for fear of ICE, the phone scams targeting Latinos, and the explosion of volunteer efforts to help the victims of the disaster. Also, as California, Oregon and Washington face a high risk of being hit by a major earthquake in the next few years. A public health expert shares survival tips for any major natural disaster, including creating a family emergency plan and kit. She also comments on the lessons learned from recent disasters in Mexico.

Guests: Hugo Mata, Radio Programmer, KBBF Radio, Santa Rosa, CA; Ricardo Ibarra, Editor, La Prensa Sonoma, The Press Democrat, Santa Rosa, CA; Liliana Osorio, Deputy Director, Health Initiative of the Americas, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.

Puerto Rico Hurricane Crisis. Three weeks after being devastated by two hurricanes, Puerto Rico is slowly recovering. Half of its residents have access to drinking water, still very few to electricity. And while President Trump praises the relief work of his administration, many warn about an imminent humanitarian crisis and a mass exodus from the island, and call for massive federal emergency aid. This is an update on the disaster and the efforts to support the victims.

Guest: Diana Ramos Gutiérrez, reporter, Radio Vieques, Puerto Rico.

Photo: Earthquake Country Alliance/Facebook

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