Hurricane Florence, Hurricane Maria. Also, Kavanaugh’s Vote Delays.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17
PROGRAM # 8426 12:00 PM PT

Hurricane Florence, Hurricane Maria.

A political analyst examines the federal response to Hurricane Florence, and, a year after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, remembers her experience as a survivor of the catastrophe, comments on Trump’s denial of the true death toll in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, and discusses the lasting impact of the disaster, especially among the children who are now known as “The María Generation.”

Guest: Maribel Hastings, Senior Advisor, America’s Voice, Washington, DC.

Kavanaugh’s Vote Delays. Republicans set a vote to advance the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court for this week, amid accusations of attempted sexual assault. Now that the accuser has publicly come forward, Democrats urge the FBI to investigate the accusation and, in a departure from their leadership, some Senate Republicans suggest delaying the vote and hold a new session so that Kavanaugh and his accuser testify under oath. analysts also examine the possible impact of this nomination’s debate on the midterm election and the women’s vote.

Guest: José López Zamorano, Reporter, Washington, D.C.; Maria Cardona, Principal, The Dewey Square Group, Founder, Latinovations, Washington, D.C.

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